Shaun SmithDIY1 Comment


Shaun SmithDIY1 Comment

Let’s have some fun! We all have some clothes tucked away in a draw, closet, box, under the bed…. whatever! I know you have some $%^& tucked away somewhere. Well get ready to pull that stuff out. Today we will help you repurpose some of it.

Bleach. Now when we think of bleach we think of making clothes whiter. Today we’re going to show you how bleach can give life to something you thought was lifeless. See the thing people forget or don’t know about bleach is that you can adjust it’s “bleaching” power by diluting it with water. This can have an interesting effect on colored articles of clothing.


Let's Begin! We’re Going To Need:

1.) Practice cloth similar to the item you are looking to repurpose
2.) The item/items of clothing you intend to repurpose
3.) Bleach (We suggest starting with a 50/50 mix ratio of water and bleach)
4.) Spray bottle
5.) Squirt bottle
6.) Plastic bags to protect your area of work and put in-between shirt
7.) Gloves
8.) Goggles
9.) Hanger
10.) One Beer……because beer.

Ok so the first thing you need to do is place the plastic over your work area. You’re going to be working with bleach. Not only can it harm you and can mess up many surfaces. You paid for it so protect it. Once that is done pull out the practice pieces, stencils, bottles, bleach and water. 

Once you have your area protected, take a plastic a plastic bag and slide it over the hanger so that the top of the hanger is at the bottom of the bag. Poke the top of the hanger through. Now put the practice piece on the hanger, the bag should now be in-between the front and back of the hanger so the bleach won't leak through the other side.

Fill your bottles with the bleach mixture and starts a having fun! Mist for some haze action, get close for some smaller circles, use the squirt bottle to make some abstract lines, drip marks….the possibilities are endless! If using a stencil make sure to spray lightly and dab the shirt after to prevent the bleached area from blooming any further.

Once you have the idea down it’s time to pull out the good stuff and have at it! 

For the black shirt we scrunched it up and used the drip method, for the button up we went to town for a very old faded look (used LOTS of bleach), and for the red shirt we got creative and found an old table cloth. The table cloth had a punched out design so we put it over the shirt and lightly misted over the pattern be careful not to use to much bleach so it wouldn't bleed.

Important! Be sure to wash the shirt under cold running water or in a bucket a few times to get some of the bleach out BEFORE you wash it. You may still need to wash the garment a few times to get the bleach smell out. 

Well that's all for now. If you're feeling creative, spontaneous, or just bored give this a try and post the photos of your doings. We would love to see and share your creations with others!


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